Classroom Schedule, Expectations, and Resources

Expectations: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Positive!

Clip Chart System
Students start out on ready to learn.  The expectation is that each student ends the day on good day. If student's go above and beyond they can continue to move up the chart.

If students need more then one reminder, they will move a clip down.  Each reminder after that, they continue to move down the chart.  At this point students will write a reflection which will need to be signed. If needed a call home will be made, with possible discussion on setting up a conference depending on the situation.

Assignments recorded daily in the assignment notebook. 
Please check and sign each night!

Specials Schedule
Monday-  LMC- 8:55-9:40
Tuesday-     Music-8:55-9:25
                PE- 9:25-9:55

Wednesday- Music-8:55-9:25
                PE- 9:25-9:55

Thursday-    PE- 9:25-9:55

Friday-        ART- 8:55-9:55

Lunch- 12:35

Grading Scale:

97 – 100%    A +                    77 – 79%     C +

93 – 96%      A                      73 – 76%     C

90 – 92%     A –                    70 – 72%     C –

87 – 89%      B +                    67 – 69%     D +

83 – 86%      B                       63 – 66%     D

80 – 82%     B –                    60 – 62%     D –

                                                0 – 59%       F

Here is a quick link to our Learning center website where you can find a lot of great resources.